
Dans cette catégorie, vous trouverez une sélection de couteaux qui ont déjà été vendus.

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20 cm Userfriendly "ApexUltra"

A 20 cm Userfriendly with an ApexUltra blade and a desert ironwood handle

27 cm laser "Across the garden"

A 27 cm integral laser with a 10-steel Damascus blade.

27cm Userfriendly "PM 1.3253"

27cm Userfriendly "PM 1.3253"

24cm Userfriendly "1.2562"

24cm Userfriendly "1.2562"

22 cm Userfriendly "14C28N"

A powerful Userfriendly with a stainless steel blade made of 14C28N and a grenadilla handle

23cm Userfriendly "1.2562"

23cm Userfriendly "1.2562"

32cm Gyuto "1.2063"

An extra large gyuto with a 1.2063 blade and a flamed oak handle.

25cm Gyuto "1.2008 with yew"

A 25cm laser with a differentially hardened blade made of 1.2008 and a handle made of yew with a spacer made of a brick from the 14th century.
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