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1.5634/75Ni8 - 20 pieces - 2mm x at least 40mm x at least 500mm

* Taxes incluses Sans les Frais d'expédition
Numéro de l'article:
S 3
Heure de livraison:
1-2 business days
1-2 business days

This offer consists of leftover pieces from the cut of our regular flat material. The strips offered can vary in width and length, are sometimes not completely parallel and can be distorted. These properties are expressly part of this offer and do not constitute grounds for a complaint.

The length and width dimensions given in the item description represent the minimum dimensions of the strips offered. However, these can also be exceeded.

These special offers are offered with a 20% discount compared to our regular prices.

Details about the material can be found here.

Attention: The metal strips are not deburred and may have sharp edges.

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